We don’t offer tune ups….What???

You are unique and so is your bike! In order to offer you the best service we can, we personally evaluate each bike when you bring it in. This allows us to spend time with you and your bike while creating the appropriate service plan to get your beloved bicycle up and running. This a-la-carte approach allows us to focus on your bicycles true needs, instead of a general tune up that may cover things your bike may not need. Whether you are cruising down the Greenbelt or cruising down Hi-line Trail in Sedona, let the experts at Rage Cycles dial in your ride while saving you time and money.

The Deluxe Service $199+

Has your bike been feeling neglected lately? This package includes adjustments to all aspects of your bike that make your ride flawless. From your derailleurs to your brakes and even your wheels, all are given the time needed to get them working perfectly. Along with that, we treat your bicycle to a drive-train bath, headset/bottom bracket cleaning,  cable and housing replacement (with color options) and replenish your tubeless tire sealant.

The Whole Enchilada $399+

Includes the Deluxe Service + we take your bike down to the bare frame while inspecting and cleaning of all pivot bearings and linkages. We also change all of your fluids by overhauling your front fork, rear shock and bleeding the brakes. All labor is covered for any replacement parts at this time. This is your once a year factory reset and preventive tune to ensure a long happy life for your pride and joy.